Francesco Sebregondi is an architect and a researcher, whose work explores the intersections of violence, media, and the urban condition.
Since 2021, he is the founding director of INDEX, an independent expertise NGO and investigative media based in France. Between 2011 and 2020, he was a researcher and project coordinator at Forensic Architecture, as well as the co-editor of its first collective publication “Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth” (Sternberg Press, 2014). In 2019, he completed his PhD at the Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths, University of London, where his research examined the architecture of the Gaza blockade. In 2017, he was a participant in The New Normal speculative design programme at Strelka Institute in Moscow. His writings have been published in journals such as the Architectural Review, Multitudes, Volume, Footprint, or City, as well as in a number of edited volumes.
He is currently a Research Fellow at EnsadLab in Paris. He previously taught design at Parsons Paris, ISIA Urbino, or the School of Architecture, Royal College of Art in London. He regularly delivers talks and workshops in France and across Europe, and occasionally contributes work to exhibitions and cultural manifestations.
He lives and works in Paris.
Francesco Sebregondi est architecte et chercheur. Son travail explore les intersections de la violence, des médias et de la condition urbaine.
Depuis 2021, il est le directeur/fondateur d’INDEX, une ONG/média d’investigation en sources ouvertes basée en France. Entre 2011 et 2020, il a été chercheur et coordinateur de projet chez Forensic Architecture, ainsi que co-éditeur de sa première publication collective « Forensis : The Architecture of Public Truth » (Sternberg Press, 2014). En 2019, il a obtenu son doctorat au Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths, University of London, où ses recherches ont examiné l’architecture du blocus de Gaza. En 2017, il a participé au programme de design spéculatif The New Normal à l’Institut Strelka de Moscou. Ses écrits ont été publiés dans des revues telles que Architectural Review, Multitudes, Volume, Footprint ou City, ainsi que dans plusieurs volumes édités.
Il est actuellement chercheur associé à l’EnsadLab à Paris. Il a auparavant enseigné le design à Parsons Paris, à l’ISIA Urbino ou à la School of Architecture du Royal College of Art de Londres. Il donne régulièrement des conférences et des ateliers en France et à travers l’Europe, et contribue occasionnellement à des expositions et des manifestations culturelles.
Il vit et travaille à Paris.