MAPP Workshop Series
Hands-On Techniques of Spatial Analysis and Visualisation
Workshops Series
Goldsmiths, University of London
Dec 2014 – Apr 2015

False-colour satellite image showing extensive flooding by the Indus River at Sukkur, Pakistan (August 2011). Credit: NASA.
In the context of the MAPP Project (Media Aggregation and Plotting Platform, later renamed PATTRN) which I was overseeing in 2014-15, I designed and organised a series of 1-day workshops with guest practitioners of diverse forms of critical cartography.
The workshops were open to the public, with registration offered in priority to the MA and PhD students of the Centre for Research Architecture, Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths University of London, .
Workshop #1
Applied Remote Sensing
with Jamon Van den Hoek, NASA Postdoctoral Fellow, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
(3 Dec 2014)
Workshop #2
Open Source Investigation
with Eliot Higgins, Founder of Bellingcat
(30 Jan 2015)
Workshop #3
Critical Cartography
with Philippe Rekacewiz, Head Cartographer at Le Monde Diplomatique
(11 Feb 2015)
Workshop #4
Digital Security
with Tactical Tech Collective (Marek Tuszynski and Gabi Sobliye)
(6 March 2015)